为了解我国优秀女子举重运动员身体成分的现状,为合理安排训练和科学选材提供依据,笔者从参加1990年全国女子举重锦标赛暨亚运会选拔赛的运动员中,随机抽取了15个队的98名运动员进行了身体成分测试。运动员平均年龄17.03岁,平均训练年限2.64年。用荣研式皮脂计采用皮褶测量法,依次测量身体六处的皮脂厚度,后根据黑田善雄体密度公式和 Brozek 体脂百分率公式计算出体脂百分率(F%)、去脂体重(LBW)等,研究结果如下:
In order to understand the status quo of body composition of elite female weightlifters in China and provide the basis for reasonable training and scientific material selection, the author randomly selected 98 athletes of 15 teams from the athletes participating in the 1990 National Women’s Weightlifting Championships and Asian Games qualifying trials Body composition test. The average age of athletes is 17.03 years, with an average training time of 2.64 years. The Rongshen sebum meter was used to measure the sebum thickness at six locations in turn using the skin fold measurement method. The percent body fat (F%), body fat percentage (LBW ), Etc. The research results are as follows: