Guanylyl cyclase C signaling axis and colon cancer prevention

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aishangliuning
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Colorectal cancer(CRC) is a major cause of cancerrelated mortality and morbidity worldwide. While improved treatments have enhanced overall patient outcome, disease burden encompassing quality of life, cost of care, and patient survival has seen little benefit. Consequently, additional advances in CRC treatments remain important, with an emphasis on preventative measures. Guanylyl cyclase C(GUCY2C), a transmembrane receptor expressed on intestinal epithelial cells, plays an important role in orchestrating intestinal homeostatic mechanisms. These effects are mediated by the endogenous hormones guanylin(GUCA2A) and uroguanylin(GUCA2B), which bind and activate GUCY2 C to regulate proliferation, metabolism and barrier function in intestine. Recent studies have demonstrated a link between GUCY2 C silencing and intestinal dysfunction, including tumorigenesis. Indeed, GUCY2 C silencing by the near universal loss of its paracrine hormone ligands increases colon cancer susceptibility in animals and humans. GUCY2C’s role as a tumor suppressor has opened the door to a new paradigm for CRC prevention by hormone replacement therapy using synthetic hormone analogs, such as the FDA-approved oral GUCY2 C ligand linaclotide(Linzess~(TM)). Here we review the known contributions of the GUCY2 C signaling axis to CRC, and relate them to a novel clinical strategy targeting tumor chemoprevention. While improving treatments have increased overall patient outcome, the disease burden encompassing quality of life, cost of care, and patient survival has been little benefit. treatments remain important, with an emphasis on preventative measures. Guanylyl cyclase C (GUCY2C), a transmembrane receptor expressed on intestinal epithelial cells, plays an important role in orchestrating intestinal homeostatic mechanisms. These effects are mediated by the endogenous hormones guanylin (GUCA2A) and Recent studies have demonstrated a link between GUCY2 C silencing and intestinal dysfunction, including tumorigenesis. Indeed, GUCY2 C silencing by the near universal loss of its paracrine hormone ligands increases colon cancer susceptibility in animals and humans. GUCY2C’s role as a tumor suppressor has opened the door to a new paradigm for CRC prevention by hormone replacement therapy using synthetic hormone analogs, such as the FDA-approved oral GUCY2 C ligand linaclotide (Linzess ™). Here we review the known contributions of the GUCY2 C signaling axis to CRC, and relate them to a novel clinical strategy target tumor chemopvention.
摘要:解决实际问题的教学,是小学数学教学重要内容之一,也是教学的难点。2011版课标后的教材,删去了题型的分类,还将运算和数学阅读与策略融入,增加了教学的难度。为此,笔者思考如何在解决问题教学中合理地利用电子白板的独特功能,优化教学环节,破解教学难点,以达到有效培养学生解决实际问题能力的目的。  关键词:小学数学;电子白板;解决问题   一、 借助电子白板,让生成资源发光发亮  希沃助手是电子白板
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摘要:古诗词是我国传统文化底蕴中的基本组成部分,也是传承中华文化的重要载体,对培养学生的核心素养,提升学生的美育教育,具有重要的促进作用。因此,提高学生古诗词的学习,不但有利于学生对古代社会的认知,还有利于学生提高语文素养,促进学生的全面发展。  关键词:核心素养;语文教学;古诗词  初中阶段是承上启下的学习阶段,一方面检验了小学的学习的成果,另一方面为高中的语文学习奠定语言基础。古诗词是初中语文
摘要:近些年,人民的生活质量有了明显的提高,孩子的教育对于家长和老师来说也变得十分重要,因此小学的低年级学生学习习惯培养也慢慢被提上了日程。在小学时期对于儿童来说是培养学习习惯的重要时期,在这一时期如果能加以重视,学生未来的成绩、能力甚至性格产生都会受到良好的积极影响。  关键词:低年级学生;学习习惯;培养  积极培养学生的良好的学习习惯是目前家长和学习对孩子培养的必要环节,只有对小学低年级学生学
摘要:倾听是一种能力,它在人们获取知识和培养社会交往能力方面都起重要作用,在小学阶段,注重对学生倾听能力的培养是非常必要的。其有效策略,本文主要从以下五点来谈,即强化倾意识主动听、做好准备高效听、激发兴趣乐于听、习得方法善于听、有意训练习惯听。  关键词:倾听;意识;准备;兴趣;方法;训练;能力  倾听是一种能力。它是人们学习知识、获取信息的重要渠道。特别是对小学生来说,课堂倾听是他们学习最主要的
摘要:低年级写话教学是小学习作教学的初始启蒙阶段,起着重要的奠基作用。基于低年级学生生活阅历不丰富,视野不宽阔,表达水平处于起步阶段等现实,在实际写话教学过程中,笔者结合实践,采取如下策略:挖掘资源,充实写话内容;循循善诱,授之以渔,提升写话技能;积极评价,体验成功,享受写话乐趣。从而使学生经历一个想写、会写、乐写的过程,进而提升写话水平。  关键词:低年级;写话;教学策略  低年级是学生语言发展