新的模式 新的起点──中、新合作开发苏州工业园区项目开始启动本刊记者杨福田备受国内外人士关注的中国和新加坡合作开发建设苏州工业园区项目经过一年多的酝酿椎备最近已被两国最高层正式敲定。2月26日,两国政府在北京签署合作开发建设苏州工业园区协议。这表明,...
New mode of new starting point ─ ─ Sino-Singapore new cooperation in the development of Suzhou Industrial Park project started correspondent Yang Futian much domestic and foreign people concerned about China and Singapore to jointly develop the Suzhou Industrial Park project after more than a year of deliberation spit prepared recently Has been formally finalized by the top two countries. February 26 The governments of the two countries signed an agreement to jointly develop and construct the Suzhou Industrial Park in Beijing. This indicates,...