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13年前,作为奎屯市民政局第一个全民福利企业——人造革制品厂,接纳了第一批做梦都想工作,靠自己双手吃饭的残疾青年,为奎屯市残疾人就业创下了引以为荣的纪录,使几十名残疾青年和正常人一样共同撑起了一片生活的蓝天。(一)13年风雨沧桑。如今,奎屯市民办福利企业已是儿孙满堂,后起之秀云集。然而,作为福利企业“老大”的人造革制品厂,从国家事业单位过渡到今天完全被推向市场的国有企业,从一个非法人企业发展到今天独立经营的法人企业,虽经历了从亏损、面临倒闭的绝境又走上发展之路的艰苦历程,却依旧雄风犹存,风采依然。任凭风吹雨打潮起潮落,始终没有落伍掉队。一直雄踞奎屯市福利企业“龙头”宝座。(二)在众多国有企业都因负担沉重,肌体老化等因素失去往日风采的时候,奎屯市人造革制品厂为什么能够岿然屹立,并不断推陈出新?纵观该厂的发展足迹,我们发现奎屯市人造革制品厂有一个非常突出的品格,那就是勇于改革,不断创新。在不断变革中求发展,在不断创新中获新生。他们依靠科技调整产品结构;用现代管理增强职工整体素质;注重产品质量,强化内部管理,改革用工分配制度,提高 13 years ago, as the first welfare enterprise in the Kuitun Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Artificial Leather Product Factory accepted the first batch of disabled youth who dreamed of working and eating on their own hands, setting a record for the disabled in Kuitun City. Rong’s record has enabled dozens of disabled youth and normal people to share the blue sky of life together. (a) 13 years of turmoil. Nowadays, Kyuhtun citizens run welfare enterprises full of children and grandchildren. However, as a welfare enterprise “boss ” artificial leather products factory, the transition from the national institutions to the market today is completely state-owned enterprises, from an unincorporated business to today’s corporate enterprise operating independently, although gone from loss In the face of the impending extinction and the hardships of the road to development, we still have a glorious presence and still retain our style. Despite the wind and rain, the tide has never been left behind. Has been dominating the Kuitun welfare enterprises “leading ” throne. (B) the loss of its former glory in a number of state-owned enterprises are a heavy burden because, when the body aging and other factors, Kuitun City, leather products factory Why can Lingual stand, and their quality? Throughout the development of the plant’s footprint, we found Kuitun leather products The factory has a very prominent character, that is, courage to reform and innovate. Seek development through constant changes and gain new life through constant innovation. They rely on science and technology to adjust their product mix; use modern management to enhance the overall quality of their employees; pay attention to product quality, strengthen internal management, and reform labor distribution systems; improve
在英国Wingsor的Siebe集团,其年销售额为42亿马克,为世界有名的自动化技术集团公司,97年3月又收购了英国的控制技术企业PredicliveControls IDd.(PLC,合并到其控制系统部,该
从大阪去东京出差,最理想的行程是清晨出发,傍晚归来。如此一来,便能在去程的新干线上来一份咖啡和三明治,又能在回程的车厢里吃着便当,喝一杯工作结束后的啤酒——枯燥的上班族没有太多余裕进行铁道巡礼,唯有仅仅抓住这小小的时机,偷享些许铁道乐趣。  在这个国家的任何一个JR车站,都能买到当地特色的“驿弁”,直译过来即是“车站便当”之意。只有一处难得地将日本各地的便当都集合在一起,便是JR东京站在来线内的“
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