怎样减价 在普遍打折出售商品之时,深圳一家商场,却不在广告牌上写“100元卖90元”,而是写成了“100元买110元商品”。结果,这家商店的收入比别家商场多得多。这是什么道理呢?原来“100元买110元商品”,从表面上看与“100元卖90元”没有什么差别,似乎都是打九折。其实不然。“100元买110元”商品的折
How to reduce prices In the general discount sale of goods, a mall in Shenzhen, but did not write on the billboard “100 yuan to sell 90 yuan”, but written as “100 yuan to buy 110 yuan goods.” As a result, this store has much more income than other stores. What is the reason for this? The original “100 yuan to buy 110 yuan goods”, on the surface, and “100 yuan to sell 90 yuan,” there is no difference, it seems that they are playing 10% off. actually not. “100 yuan to buy 110 yuan” product discount