目的了解某高校教师办公室内饮水机桶装纯净水的使用情况及微生物污染状况,探讨其原因并提出处理措施。方法进行现场问卷调查,根据调查情况选取学校21台同一品牌的饮水机和桶装水取样,按照GB 17324-2003《瓶(桶)装饮用纯净水卫生标准》对流经饮水机的水样进行菌落总数、总大肠菌群、pH和电导率的检测结果进行判定。结果冷水菌落总数合格率为71.40%,靠窗处的5台饮水机,冷水菌落总数均不合格,其余不在窗户阳光直射下的16台饮水机冷水菌落总数合格率为56.25%,且随着饮用时间延长而降低,7 d后合格率为0%,pH合格率为90.48%,电导率合格率为57.14%;沸水菌落总数合格率为100%,pH合格率为76.19%,电导率合格率为57.14%。冷热水中总大肠菌群均未检出。结论某高校教师办公室内饮水机冷水微生物随着饮用时间延长,超标率不断增高,饮水机的摆放位置对细菌污染程度有一定影响。
Objective To understand the use of barreled drinking water and the status of microbial contamination in a university teacher’s office, discuss the reasons and propose measures. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted on the spot. According to the survey, 21 drinking fountains of the same brand in the school and bottled water samples were selected. According to GB 17324-2003, “Hygienic Standards for Drinking Bottled Pure Water” Total number, total coliforms, pH and conductivity of the test results were judged. Results The total number of colds in cold water was 71.40%. The total number of cold water colonies in all 5 drinking fountains at the window was unqualified. The remaining number of cold water colonies in 16 drinking fountains not under the window direct sunlight was 56.25% The time passed and the time was reduced, the pass rate was 0% after 7 days, the pass rate of pH was 90.48%, the pass rate of electric conductivity was 57.14%; the pass rate of boiling water colony was 100%, the pass rate of pH was 76.19% 57.14%. Total coliform bacteria in hot and cold water were not detected. Conclusion With the extension of drinking time, the over-standard rate of cold-water microbes in drinking fountains in a university teacher’s office increases continuously, and the placement of drinking fountains has a certain impact on the degree of bacterial contamination.