ANB&W柴油机有限公司的两个英国子公司Ruston公司和Paxman公司最近在国际铁路市场上获得了很大成功。据公布 ,Ruston公司将在 2 0 0 2年内为法国AlstomTransport公司提供 10 0台 16缸RK2 15型铁路牵引发动机 (图 1)。这些发动机将装用
The two British subsidiaries of ANB&W Diesel, Ruston and Paxman, have recently been very successful in the international railway market. According to the announcement, Ruston will provide 100 units of 16-cylinder RK2 15 railway traction engines to Alstom Transport of France in 2002 (Figure 1). These engines will be used