
来源 :档案管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinhao03
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项城热电公司是由一个小型发电厂发展起来的国有大型二类企业。该公司从建厂就成立了资料室,于1998年设立了档案室。档案室配备正、副主任3人,档案管理员2人,其中,正、副主任分别是工程师、经济师和会计师中级技术职称。由公司法人代表主管,总工程师分管,公司制定出台了《项城热电公司档案管理若干规定》,按照《档案法》和电力行业档案标准进行了系统规范归档。该公司现库存永久档案3451卷,长期档案5567卷,科技档案2497册,图纸1575册,声像图片档案586套,配备档案库房8间。该公司还于1998年投入微机50台,档案室微机并入了电力系统网络,生产、原材料供应、财务、人事档案全部实现了微机现代化管理。该公司的档案齐全,保存完好,管理规范,技术手段先进。于1998年荣获省级档案先进企业,1996年通过省级达标。 Xiangcheng Thermal Power Company is a large state-owned second-class enterprise developed by a small power plant. The company set up a reference room from the establishment of the factory and established the archives in 1998. The file room is equipped with three deputy directors and two file managers. Among them, the chief and deputy directors are engineers, economists and accountants respectively. The company’s legal representative in charge of the chief engineer in charge of the company formulated a “Xiangcheng Thermal Power Company file management regulations”, in accordance with the “Archives Law” and the power industry file standard system standardized filing. The company is now stock permanent file 3451 volumes, long-term archives 5567 volumes, 2497 scientific and technological archives, drawings 1575, 586 sets of audio-visual picture files, with archives room 8. The company also invested 50 computers in 1998, archives computer into the power system network, production, raw material supply, finance, personnel files all realized the modernization of computer management. The company’s file is complete, well-preserved, standardized management, advanced technical means. In 1998 won the provincial archives advanced enterprises, in 1996 passed the provincial standard.
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