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赴索马里采访的起因与成行1990年年底索马里前总统西亚德·巴雷刚一下台,反政府武装便迅速分裂,双方为争夺国家最高权力兵戎相见,索马里战争危机进一步升级。为了保证生命财产安全,我国驻索马里外交、新闻机构工作人员以及经援人员共200多人按国内指示于1991年元旦期间全部撤离索马里转移到邻国肯尼亚。自此以后,驻肯尼亚首都内罗毕的中国新闻机构便承担了对索马里问题报道的主要任务,但是在以后的一年多时间里,所发的这类报道几乎大都靠转发外电消息,对索马里危机现状缺乏应有的感性认识。 The Causes and Proceedings of the Interview in Somalia As the former Somali President Siyad Barre stepped down in late 1990, the rebel forces were rapidly divided. Both sides fought for the supremacy of the country and met each other. The Somali war crisis escalated even further. In order to ensure the safety of life and property, a total of more than 200 personnel of our country’s diplomatic and informational agencies in Somalia and the aid workers were withdrawn from Somalia during the New Year’s Day in 1991 as directed by their country and transferred to neighboring Kenya. Since then, the Chinese news agency based in Nairobi, Kenya, has assumed the main task of reporting on the Somali issue, but most of the reports made over the next year or so have relied on the forwarding of news from other countries to report on the status quo in Somalia Lack of due sensibility.
该文对中国昆虫细胞分类研究工作进行了综述。目前中国昆虫细胞分类研究涉及昆虫纲的10目69科543种(亚种),其主要内容包括染色体数目、形状、行为及染色体分带等方面 的研究和
摘 要:本文就新课程理念下的英语课堂教学提出笔者自己的一些观点,指出情感渗透、兴趣激发、新型的师生关系以及创新教法是创建和谐初中英语课堂教学的重要因素。  关键词:情感 学习兴趣 平等关系 和谐    时代的发展对英语教学提出了更高的要求,随着英语课程改革的不断深入,每一位教师都会面临着许多挑战,有教学理念的更新、自身素质的提高以及教育教学方法的改变等等。这一切的变化,都会集中体现在课堂教学过程中
本文主要探讨通过精读课教学目标、教学内容和教学方法三方面的改革来实现培养学生的语言运用能力。 This article mainly discusses how to cultivate students’ language