汽车在使用过程中,由于受到各种因素的作用,行驶到一定里程或时间后,汽车的技术状况将发生变化,各零部件必然会产生不同程度的磨损、松动、变形或其他损伤等,尺寸、形状和表面质量会发生变化,破坏了零部件的配合特性和工作条件。如果不及时进行维护,机件的磨损将急剧加大,汽车的动力性、经济性和可靠性变差,甚至会发生严重的机械或交通事故。因此,根据汽车情况和使用条件,按规定对汽车进行保养,可以保持车辆的性能,发现和清除事故隐患,防止早期磨损,延长汽车的使用寿命。 汽车保养和修理是两种性质不同的技术措施,汽车保养的任务是缓减零部件的磨损程度,预防故障发生;汽车
In the process of using the car, due to various factors, after driving to a certain distance or time, the technical condition of the car will be changed. The parts will inevitably have different degrees of wear, looseness, deformation or other damages, etc. , The shape and surface quality will change, undermining the parts with the characteristics and working conditions. If not in time for maintenance, mechanical wear and tear will be drastically increased, the car’s power, economy and reliability of the deterioration, and even serious mechanical or traffic accidents. Therefore, according to the car conditions and conditions of use, according to the provisions of the car maintenance, you can maintain the performance of the vehicle to identify and remove hidden dangers of accidents to prevent early wear and tear, extend the service life of the car. Car maintenance and repair are two kinds of technical measures of different nature, the task of car maintenance is to reduce the degree of wear and tear parts to prevent failure; car