纪念烟台制钟业创建一百周年 烟台制钟业繁衍与繁荣研究系列之烟台钟的形成繁衍、历史地位与文化内涵

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“中国的钟表有一颗星,它是烟台的北极星”。这是20多年前大家耳熟能详的一句广告语。这则广告在相当长一段时间内占据了电视台的黄金广告时间,昭显了当时烟台钟表业的辉煌。虽然现在北极星钟表和烟台钟表都不复当年荣耀,但烟台钟表业仍在国人心目中占据着极高的地位,因为,烟台是中国民族钟表业的发祥地。一百年前,在北方商埠烟台诞生了中国第一家机械制钟工厂——宝时造钟厂,后来称德顺兴造钟厂,从而改写了中国作为世界上最早发明计时仪器的国家,却被外国钟长期霸占中国市场的历史。 “There is a star in China’s clock and watch, it is Polaris in Yantai.” This is more than 20 years ago we all familiar with a slogan. This ad took quite a while for a long period of time the golden ad time of the television station, showing the glory of Yantai watch industry at that time. Although now Polaris watches and Yantai watches are no longer the glory of the year, but the watch industry in Yantai still occupy a very high position in the minds of people, because Yantai is the birthplace of China’s national watch industry. A hundred years ago, the first mechanical bell factory in China, Yantai, was set up in Yubei, the northern port of commerce. Later, it was called Takashing Clock Factory to rewrite China as the first country in the world to invent time-measuring instruments. It has long been the occupation of the Chinese market foreign bell history.
作者报告2例原发性阳萎是由于海绵体间隙平滑肌纤维化及萎缩而引起的先天性缺损。两名病人都为年轻成人,诊断用阴茎多普勒超声及 The authors report 2 cases of primary i
肾上腺非功能性皮质腺瘤异位肾内,临床极为罕见.我们在实际工作中遇到1例,经手术和病理证实,报告如下: Adrenal non-functional cortical adenoma ectopic renal, clinical
报告以套入法尿道吻合治疗后尿道狭窄40例。着重介绍手术方法和操作要点,并对有关注意事项进行讨论。 The report of urethral anastomosis nested urethral stricture in 4