为了在制作腐植酸铵肥料中,有个较合适的氨的添加量,我们介绍一些厂矿单位计算氨添加量的公式,供参考。 1.每吨泥炭原料氨水添加量(公斤)=游离腐植酸%×6.0×17÷氨水浓度% 2.每吨泥炭原料碳酸氢铵添加量(公斤)=总腐植酸%×6.0×14÷碳酸氢铵含氮量%
In order to make ammonium humic fertilizer fertilizer, there is a more appropriate amount of ammonia added, we introduce some of the formula for calculating the amount of ammonia plant for reference. 1. Per ton of peat raw material ammonia addition (kg) = free humic acid% × 6.0 × 17 ÷ ammonia concentration% per ton of peat feed ammonium bicarbonate (kg) = total humic acid% × 6.0 × 14 ÷ carbonate Hydrogen ammonium nitrogen content%