Example 1: Female, 45 years old, hospital number 268630. Jaundice three and a half months admitted. Found half a month before jaundice, abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, daily row three or four times digestible stool, jaundice deepened daily, the skin itching, fatigue, urine yellow, stool color was clay. Local hospital investigation: jaundice index 95 units, alanine aminotransferase 365 units, given prednisone (60mg / day) for 20 days, no reduction in jaundice. December 27, 1981 into my department. Past history of hepatitis and jaundice. Over the past decade has been formal oral contraception Ⅰ, until after more than one month after the onset of jaundice, side stop taking. Physical examination: normal blood pressure, skin sclera severe yellow dye, scratches, no spider nevus and bleeding