患者,男,51岁,因“蜜蜂蜇伤嘴角伴皮肤瘙痒10分钟”到门诊就医。患者平素身体健康,无高血压、糖尿病、冠心病等病史,曾有过蜜蜂蜇伤致皮肤过敏病史,输液治疗后好转。门诊查体:步入诊室,一般情况可,T36.5℃P85次/分R20次/分BP100/70mm Hg嘴唇及眼睑肿胀,腹部皮肤见荨麻疹,压之不褪色,双肺呼吸音清晰,心率85次/分,腹部平软,
Patient, male, 51 years old, due to “bee stings mouth with itchy skin for 10 minutes ” to the clinic for medical treatment. Patients usually healthy, no high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary heart disease and other medical history, had a history of allergic reactions to skin allergies caused by bee stings, infusion improved after treatment. Outpatient examination: into the office, the general situation can be, T36.5 ℃ P85 times / min R20 times / min BP100 / 70mm Hg Lips and eyelids swelling, abdominal skin see urticaria, pressure does not fade, clear breath sounds of both lungs, Heart rate 85 beats / min, belly soft,