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9月2日,浙江宁波绕城高速北线临丁路三义村的高架桥上两车相撞,其中一辆车的司机直接从车里飞到桥下。该事故由爆胎导致车辆失控横向打滑引起。9月14日,山东德州,一辆大型油罐车从248省道由南向北行驶,当行至乐陵市胡家村街道北段时,右侧车胎突然爆胎,车辆失去控制,一头扎进路边的民房。为何爆胎事故如此频繁发生呢?是轮胎企业的产品做得不够好?是卡、客车企业的过错?还是国家相关部门不够重视?追究爆胎事故责任人并非不重要,可如何将爆胎所引发的一系列事故扼杀在发生的前一秒,才是国内汽车行业更应该关注的话题。据悉,从2007年8月起,美国就以法律手段强制要求 On September 2, the two vehicles collided on the viaduct of Sanyi Village, Linding Road, Ningbo Ring Expressway north of Ningbo, one of the drivers flew directly from the car to the bridge. The accident was caused by a run-flat tire causing the vehicle to slip laterally. On September 14, in Dezhou, Shandong Province, a large tanker truck ran from south to north on Provincial Highway No. 248. When it went to the north section of Hujiacun Street in Leling City, the right side tire burst suddenly and the vehicle lost control. Roadside houses. Why blowout accidents happen so often? Is the tire business products do not good enough? Is the card, bus company fault? Or the relevant state departments do not pay enough attention to the responsible person responsible for puncture accident is not important, how can the puncture Triggered a series of accidents strangled a second before it happened, is the domestic automobile industry should pay more attention to the topic. It is reported that since August 2007, the United States has imposed legal requirements