In March 1996, according to the report of a city’s technical supervision bureau, the rubber factory in the city seized the counterfeit “Double Star” shoe case which was produced and was being sold by the factory, fraudulently using the names of other enterprises, famous brands and product names, The warehouse seized fake hidden “Double Star” shoes more than 16,000 pairs. After investigating the factory’s financial books, sales documents and some distributors, the factory seized more than 23,000 pairs of counterfeit “Double Star” shoes for nearly six months before being investigated and punished. The total amount of illegal sales was 449,424 yuan. Upon verification and hearing of the person claiming to be responsible for the offense, the person in charge of the plant has no objection to the factual factualization, amount and amount of business illegally verified. As a result, a city of Technical Supervision under the State Bureau of Technical Supervision (1990)