
来源 :中国电子科学研究院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dffder
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本文论述了综合射频的内涵和特点,分析了军事电子装备所面临的形势和挑战,探讨了通道化综合射频系统的设计要素,并通过在机载任务系统设计中的应用,进一步详细阐述了实施宽带可重构综合射频设计的主要步骤和方法,还论述了为支撑机载任务系统综合射频设计所需突破的关键技术以及需要制定的标准规范等。最后指出,综合射频前端的综合化程度高低和综合达到的技术水平,将对机载任务系统总体性能产生至关重要的影响。 This article discusses the connotation and characteristics of integrated radio frequency, analyzes the situation and challenges faced by military electronic equipment, discusses the design elements of the channelized integrated radio frequency system, and further elaborates the implementation through the application in the design of airborne mission system Broadband reconfigurable integrated RF design of the main steps and methods, but also discusses the key technologies needed to support the integrated radio frequency design of airborne mission systems and the need to develop standards and so on. Finally, it is pointed out that the integrated level of the integrated RF front-end and the comprehensive technical level will have a crucial impact on the overall performance of the airborne mission system.
针对中国原子能科学研究院100 MeV质子回旋加速器上的单粒子效应辐照装置进行了二期管道设计,采用八极磁铁校正法对束流进行了扩束及均匀化,最终在靶上得到了一个30 cm×
由于人们对无线通信的需求的增加以及通信质量的不断提升,无线局域网(Wireless Local Area Networks,WLAN)的接入点(Access Point,AP)部署问题在优化领域受到了越来越多的关注。