93年世界体坛,赛事不断,有喜有忧,要闻频频,有惊有气。8大城市争分夺秒惊心动魄的2000年奥运会申办,中国的高级教练马俊仁手下的马家军席卷世界田坛,克里斯蒂再夺百米之王,霍利菲尔德沉睡一年后猛然惊醒,重温旧梦……但这如许奇丽辉煌,也让塞莱斯遇刺和马赛丑闻冲淡了许多,只有绿茵场上世界强者在争夺冲向美国的道路上,演下了一篇篇悲壮与雄浑的乐章,才使人们觉得没有虚度93年。 体育头上有一轮神圣的光环,众人只能仰视、膜拜。然而在鲜花和奖牌的后面却上演着一出出闹剧:金钱交易,兴奋剂斗法,打架、骂人乃至杀人,贩卖人口和走私毒品……美丽与丑陋有如一对孪生兄弟,辉煌与邪恶同时存在于93年体坛。
93 years of sports in the world, the race continued, there are mixed feelings, frequent news, surprise. Eight major cities compete against each other for the soul-stirring 2000 Olympic Games bidding, Ma Jiajun, China’s top coach Ma Junren swept the world track and field, Christie another hundred meters king, Sleeping Holyfield awakened a year later, to revisit the old dream ... ... but this Xu Qi Li brilliant, but also let Seles assassination and the Marseille scandal diluted a lot, only the world is strong on the battlefield rushed toward the United States on the road, staged a tragedy and vigorous movement, make people think there is no fake 93 years. Sports head has a holy aura, everyone can only look up, worship. However behind the flowers and the medals there was a show of farce: money trading, doping, fighting, cursing and even murdering, trafficking in human beings and smuggling of narcotics ... beauty and ugliness as a pair of twins, glory and evil both in 93 years of sports.