The melt spinning process of bicomponent fibers consisting of a conductive polypropylene (PP) core and a polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) skin having a piezoelectric effect was explored. PVDF, which has a piezoelectric effect in the past, has been developed as a sensor monofilament. Because PP is doped with carbon nanotubes, the fiber core can be electrically conductive. The piezoelectric effect of the skin material is based on the all-trans conformation formed by the β phase of the fiber during the drawing and winding process. By analyzing the core-sheath structure of the fibers by WAXD, it was found that the dispersion of the CNTs in the polymer matrix affected the conductivity of the core material. Therefore, it was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) The changes of fiber diameter (sheath and core) were observed by optical microscope. The viscosity of the material was measured by rheometer. The specific resistance of the core was measured by inductive capacitance resistance tester (LCR).