“在LG白电本部销售收入中,中国市场占5%。”2013年11月26日,在接受《电器》记者专访时,LG电子白色家电事业部(HA事业部)副总裁兼营销总经理申东声承认,在白电方面,中国的业绩拖了后腿。几天后,2013年12月4日,在对《电器》记者谈及在中国任职一年的感受时,LG电子大中华区总裁慎文范感慨道:“中国市场太大,太复杂了。”来中国就任前,慎文范曾任LG电子印度公司CEO 6年,使LG取得印度市场第一的优异成绩。将这位久经沙场且在复杂新兴市场有丰富经验的老将派来中国,
“In the sales revenue of LG White’s headquarters, the Chinese market accounts for 5%.” “On November 26, 2013, when accepting an interview with” Electrical “reporter, LG Electronics White Goods Division (HA Division) Vice President and Marketing Shen Dongsheng, the general manager, admitted that China’s performance has dragged its feet in white power. A few days later, on December 4, 2013, when talking about ”Appliance“ reporter’s feeling of being in China for one year, LG Electronics Greater China President Shen Wenfan laments: ”The Chinese market is too big and complicated Before coming to China, Shen Wenfan served as CEO of LG Electronics India for 6 years, making LG the best in the Indian market. The experienced veterans who have experienced in complex emerging markets are sent to China.