Purpose: To compare the prevalence of cataract in workers exposed to trinitrot oluene (TNT) to the prevalence in a group of unexposed workers, matched on age a nd sex, using Tiukina’s description and grading of TNT-induced cataract. Methods: A total of 23 TNT-exposed and 44 unexposed workers underwent an eye examination p erformed by an ophthalmologist who did not know the exposure status of the subje cts. All lens opacities matching Tiukina’s description were classified as TNT c ataract and graded on Tiukina’s scale of stages 1-4. Results: Four cases of TN T-induced cataract were identified among the 23 TNTexposed workers and none in the unexposed group (p< 0.01). Conclusion: Exposure to TNT may cause a unique ty pe of cataract, which a general ophthalmologist, using Tiukina’s description an d grading scale, will be able to distinguish from other cataracts.
Purpose: To compare the prevalence of cataract in workers exposed to trinitrotoluene (TNT) to the prevalence in a group of unexposed workers, matched on age a nd sex, using Tiukina’s description and grading of TNT-induced cataract. Methods: A total of 23 TNT-exposed and 44 unexposed workers underwent an eye examination p erformed by an ophthalmologist who did not know the exposure status of the subje cts. All lens opacities matching Tiukina’s description were classified as TNT c atract and graded on Tiukina’s scale of stages 1- Results: Four cases of TN T-induced cataract were identified among the 23 TNTexposed workers and none in the unexposed group (p <0.01). Conclusion: Exposure to TNT may cause a unique typhoid of cataract, which a general ophthalmologist, using Tiukina’s description an d grading scale, will be able to distinguish from other cataracts.