四、胡萝卜的播种方法 有条播和撒播两种方法。垄作均行条播,每垄播2行,行距15~20厘米,深约2~3厘米,条播每667米~2(1亩)0.7~0.8千克。平畦或高畦可以撒播,每667米~21~1.6千克。在北方风多、干旱以及南方高温多大雨的地区,播种后最好在畦面上覆盖一些麦秸草等,出苗后再陆续撤去覆草。 五、无公害胡萝卜秋季栽培苗期管理 应及时拔除杂草。可在播种后或第一次间苗后,喷洒白草枯除草剂。第一次间苗在幼苗2~3片叶时进行,留苗株距3厘米
Fourth, the sowing methods of carrots are broadcast and broadcast two methods. Ridges are line cutting, each sowing 2 lines, spacing 15 ~ 20 cm, about 2 to 3 cm deep, every 667 m ~ 2 (1 acre) 0.7 ~ 0.8 kg. Flat 畦 or high 畦 can sow, every 667 meters ~ 21 ~ 1.6 kg. In the northern winds, drought and heavy rains in the southern areas of high temperature, sowing after the best surface covered with some wheat straw grass, etc., one after another to remove the mulching after emergence. Fifth, pollution-free carrot cultivation in autumn seedling management should promptly remove weeds. White grass herbicide can be sprayed after seeding or after the first seedling. The first seedlings in the seedlings 2 to 3 leaves when leaving seedling spacing 3 cm