目的了解广西295名男男性行为(MSM)大学生艾滋病相关知识、态度、行为。方法 2014年9月至2016年2月采用滚雪球法及网络招募法招募295名大学生MSM,采用自填式问卷进行HIV相关知识、态度、行为调查。结果大学生MSM对中国艾滋病防治督导与评估框架指标知晓率为86.1%,对联合国大会艾滋病特别会议制订评估指标知晓率为58.6%。接受过艾滋病性病宣传资料者(OR=2.763,95%CI:1.265~6.039)、做过艾滋病病毒检测者(OR=2.400,95%CI:1.105~5.210)、通过电视获得艾滋病知识者(OR=2.262,95%CI:1.045~4.894)艾滋病知晓率较高;通过同志酒吧寻找性伴者(OR=0.441,95%CI:0.209~0.930)艾滋病知晓率较低。在168名有固定性伴的MSM中,85(50.6%)人每次性行为均使用安全套,在157名有临时性伴的MSM中,94(59.8%)人每次均使用安全套;183(62.0%)人能全程使用安全套。结论大学生MSM对艾滋病知识的知晓率较高,但普遍存在高危性行为,应加强大学生MSM性行为的干预力度。
Objective To understand AIDS related knowledge, attitudes and behavior among 295 male MSM students in Guangxi. Methods From September 2014 to February 2016, 295 undergraduates MSM were enrolled in the snowballing and online recruitment methods, and HIV-related knowledge, attitude and behavior were investigated by self-administered questionnaires. Results The awareness rate of MSM for MSM indicators and indicators was 86.1% and 58.6% for the UN General Assembly AIDS special session. (OR = 2.763, 95% CI: 1.265 ~ 6.039), HIV-positive persons (OR = 2.400, 95% CI: 1.105-5.210), AIDS- 2.262, 95% CI: 1.045-4.894). There was a high rate of AIDS awareness. The rate of AIDS awareness was low in gay bars seeking partners (OR = 0.441, 95% CI: 0.209-0.930). Of the 168 MSM with fixed partners, 85 (50.6%) used condoms for each sexual activity and 94 (59.8%) used condoms for each of the 157 MSM with temporary partners; 183 ( 62.0%) People can use condoms throughout. Conclusion The MSM awareness of AIDS among college students is high, but there is a high prevalence of sexual behaviors among MSM students. Interventions should be strengthened among MSM students.