当前,水产业受市场的影响,养殖效益普遍下降,甚至亏损,面对如此严峻的局面,如何应付,本文提出几点意见,仅供参考。 一、常规鱼类的养殖仍是当前水产养殖的主要品种 常规鱼类主要指鲤鱼、草鱼、鲫鱼、花、白鲢。这些鱼类在上世纪80年代中期,由于科学养殖技术的提高,如改良养殖品种、生产优质全价配合饲料,养
At present, the aquaculture industry is affected by the market, and the profitability of aquaculture generally drops or even lacks losses. In the face of such a severe situation and how to cope with it, this article gives some opinions for reference purposes only. First, the conventional farming of fish is still the main species of aquaculture The main types of conventional fish are carp, grass carp, crucian carp, flower and silver carp. These fish in the mid 80s of last century, due to the improvement of scientific farming techniques, such as improving the breeding varieties, the production of high quality full price with feed, raising