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带电粒子(不计重力)垂直射入匀强磁场离子的运动轨迹是圆周或圆弧,这类问题是常见的典型的力学磁场知识结合的综合题,是高考中的多频题,也是高考的难点。求解这类题的关键是:确定圆心,画出轨迹,求出半径等。其中,解决带电粒子在有界磁场中的运动问题,确定圆心是解题的难点所在。有一类题,已知带电粒子的入射速度和出射速度的方向,则其圆心定在入射速度方向的延长线和出射速度的方向的反向延长线夹角的角平分线上,若再做出入射速度(或出射速度)的垂线,两线的交点即为圆心,此即为用角平分线确定圆心法。 The motion trajectory of charged particles (not counting gravity) perpendicularly into a uniform magnetic field is circular or circular. This type of problem is a typical combination of knowledge of mechanical magnetic fields, and is a multi-frequency problem in college entrance examinations. It is also a difficult point in the college entrance examination. . The key to solving such questions is: determine the center of the circle, draw the trajectory, and find the radius. Among them, to solve the problem of the movement of charged particles in a bounded magnetic field, it is difficult to determine the center of the circle. There is a class of questions. It is known that the incident velocity and the outgoing velocity direction of a charged particle have its center set at the angle bisector of the angle between the extension of the incident velocity direction and the direction of the exit velocity. The vertical line of incidence velocity (or exit velocity), the intersection of two lines is the center of the circle, this is the center of the circle determined by the angle bisector.
是人就有火气,有的人天生火气大,只要这火气尚受理性驾驭,也属正常。仔细想想,我们何尝不是已经习惯于对自己要求低,对他人要求高。一想到自己损失多,他人损失少,火气想小也难。有人常受“无名火”困扰,其实,“火”固然是无名,却未必没有来历。火气,说起来其实也有高下之分,有的火气只牵涉蝇头小利;有的火气,则缘于家国情怀。  火大,有时候可表现为血性。明朝陈子龙便如是。大文人艾南英游历江南,与陈子龙等江南名
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迷迷糊糊睁开眼,发现稻草埋着自己。扒开稻草,我惊讶,全身竟换成破旧的棉袄棉裤,扭头瞅见扒下来的衣服己冻僵,孤伶伶地抱在一起,行人绕开我,低着头,脚步匆匆;过往车辆,触电般地开足马力飞驰而过。  我拍打着疼痛欲裂的脑袋,努力搜索昨晚那一幕。  当时月亮躲到黑云里,光线很暗。我喝了八成酒,酒劲发足,晕乎乎,晃悠悠,一脚踩空,跌进深渠,渠水没到颈项,我惊慌失措,乱蹬乱抓乱拍,杀猪似的号叫。行人、过往车辆
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