打造绿色出行 助力交通微循环

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随着经济的快速发展与城市的建设扩张,城市交通问题日益突出,交通拥堵、停车难、尾气污染等城市病正在成为提升城市居民生活质量的瓶颈,国外主要城市早已开展了构建绿色交通行动的实践,即交通出行工具优先级序为步行、自行车、公共交通、自驾车,提出以慢行交通和公共交通为主导的城市交通出行方式,实现绿色低碳、高效便捷的城市交通发展目标。 With the rapid economic development and the expansion of urban construction, urban traffic problems have become increasingly prominent. Urban diseases such as traffic congestion, parking difficulties and exhaust pollution are becoming the bottlenecks in improving the quality of life of urban residents. Major cities in foreign countries have already started to build green transportation operations Practice, that is, the priority of traffic travel tools is walking, bicycle, public transportation and self-driving. It puts forward urban traffic mode that is dominated by slow traffic and public traffic, and achieves the goal of green, low carbon, efficient and convenient urban transportation development.
2015年在匆忙中悄然画上句号。  我们站在2016年,细数2015年发生的那些事。  12月10日,公安部、交通部联合推出27项驾驶员考试制度改革措施,社会呼吁已久的“自学直考”变为现实;12月2日,各地公安交管部门围绕“拒绝危险驾驶安全文明出行”主题,充分动员社会资源,大力宣传文明交通新风尚,倡导文明交通好习惯;11月3日,《道路交通安全法修正案(送审稿)》公开征求意见,内容上,除为了与“刑九