猕猴桃是一种呼吸跃变型果实,采后要经过一个完熟过程或人工催熟处理。关于后熟过程的果实成分变化,国外对美味猕猴桃(Actinidia deliciosa)有了不少研究,一般认为,适期采收的果实必须完成这种化学变化,才能达到最好的食用品质。 中华猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)原产我国,据1988年农业部优质农产品开发服务中心报道,全国栽培面积已有5万余亩,年产量达百万Kg。迄今,国内外对于该种在后熟过程的果实成分变化,尚未展开系统的研究。本文旨在探索氨基酸、维生素C和碳水化合物等营养成分在后熟过程中的变化规律,并根据碳水化合物变化探明采收成熟度与果实品质的关系,为获得优质猕猴桃及其采后生理研究提供理论依据。 材料与方法 一、供试材料 为本院猕猴桃试验园栽植的‘LQ─8’和‘LQ─25’两个优良株系(1988年11月通过浙江省科委鉴定),均从中华猕猴桃野生群体中选出。果实成熟度以果实可溶性固形物含量计。从9月上旬起,定期测定果实成熟度,以确定采收期。果实采后用0.05mm厚的聚乙烯塑料袋包装,每袋装10个果,共80袋,封口后置于水果周转箱内。库温18°± 2℃ ,相对湿度85%。每隔 2天从中取出5袋分析1次果实营养成分,试验重复3次。
Kiwi is a climacteric fruit, after harvesting to go through a mature process or artificial ripening treatment. With regard to the change of fruit composition after ripening process, there are many researches on Actinidia deliciosa in foreign countries. It is generally believed that the fruits harvested regularly should complete this chemical change in order to achieve the best food quality. Actinidia chinensis Planch. Originated in China. According to the 1988 High-quality Agricultural Products Development and Service Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, there are more than 50,000 mu of cultivated area in the country and the annual output reaches one million kilograms. Up to now, no systematic research has been carried out on the change of the fruit composition of the species after ripening at home and abroad. This article aims to explore the amino acid, vitamin C and carbohydrates and other nutrients in the after-ripening process of change and carbohydrate changes in proven maturity and the relationship between fruit quality, in order to obtain high-quality Kiwifruit and its post-harvest physiology Provide a theoretical basis. MATERIALS AND METHODS A. The tested materials were two excellent strains of ’LQ-8’ and ’LQ-25’ planted in the kiwifruit test garden of our hospital (identified by Zhejiang Science Committee in November 1988) Selected from the group. Fruit maturity is based on the content of soluble solids. From the beginning of September, the fruit maturity is measured periodically to determine the harvest period. Fruit harvested with 0.05mm thick polyethylene plastic bags, bagged 10 fruit, a total of 80 bags, placed in a sealed fruit turnover box. Library temperature 18 ° ± 2 ℃, relative humidity 85%. 5 bags were taken out every two days to analyze the nutritional content of fruit once, and the experiment was repeated 3 times.