Carbon stock in Korean larch plantations along a chronosequence in the Lesser Khingan Mountains, Chi

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caonidaye_bibibi
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Carbon(C) dynamics are central to understanding ecosystem restoration effects within the context of Grain for Green Project(GGP). GGP stared in China since 2003 to improve the environment. Despite its importance, how total forest ecosystem C stock(FECS) develops following land-use changes from cropland to plantation is poorly understood, in particular the relationship of C allocation to pools. We quantified C pools in a chronosequence ranging from 0 to 48 years, using complete above- and below-ground harvests based on detailed field inventory. Stands were chosen along a succession sequence in managed plantations of Korean larch(Larix olgensis Henry.), a native planting species in the Lesser Khingan Mountains, Northeast of China. The FECS of Korean larch plantation(KLP) were dynamic across stand development, changing from 88.2 Mg·ha-1 at cropland, to 183.9 Mg·ha-1 as an average of forest C from 7- through 48-year-old plantation. In a 48-year-old mature KLP, vegetation comprises 48.63% of FECS and accounts for 67.66% of annual net C increment(ANCI). Soil is responsible for 38.19% and 13.53% of those, and with the remainders of 13.18% and 18.81% in down woody materials. Based on comparisons of our estimate to those of others, we conclude that afforestation of Korean larch plantation is a valid approach to sequester carbon. Carbon (C) dynamics are central to understanding ecosystem restoration effects within the context of Grain for Green Project (GGP). GGP stared in China since 2003 to improve the environment. Despite its importance, how total total forest ecosystem C stock (FECS) appears following land-use changes from cropland to plantation is poorly understood, in particular the relationship of C allocation to pools. We quantified C pools in a chronosequence ranging from 0 to 48 years, using complete above- and below-ground harvests based on detailed field inventory . Stands were chosen along a succession sequence in managed plantations of Korean larch (Larix olgensis Henry.), A native plan species in the Lesser Khingan Mountains, Northeast of China. The FECs of Korean larch plantation (KLP) were dynamic across stand development, changing from 88.2 Mg · ha-1 at cropland to 183.9 Mg · ha-1 as an average of forest C from 7 through 48-year-old plantation. of FECS and accounts for 67.66% of annual net C increment (ANCI). Soil is responsible for 38.19% and 13.53% of those, and with the remainders of 13.18% and 18.81% in down woody materials. Based on comparisons of our estimate to those of others, we conclude that afforestation of Korean larch plantation is a valid approach to sequester carbon.
(接上期 )3 关于压载水管理问题委员会重申自 1990年以来一直在讨论和研究压载水有害病原体的传播问题 ,特别是在上届环保会上审议了诸如条款的适用 ,区域概念、评估压载水
元旦假期的车站里,我买好票候车。在左侧的长长队伍中,有两个人引起了我的注意:一个30多岁的男人身上背着大大的包,右腿跪在地上,臀部靠着右脚跟,左腿弯曲,双手轻轻地抚摸他身边女人的腿。女人笑吟吟地站在男人身旁,左腿单立,右脚连鞋一起放在男人的左膝盖上,一脸幸福的模样。在车站里,两人过于亲昵的举止很显眼,尤其是他们旁若无人的抚摸和毫无遮掩的笑声引来周围许多异样的目光。  “这两个人也太不像话了,瞧他们