岁月不饶人,转眼之间,曾经作为美国战后“垮掉的一代”的代表人物的美国著名犹太作家、《裸者与死者》(1948)的作者——诺曼·梅勒已经是74岁的老人。他虽然已是眉发皆白,但是显然创作力并没有枯竭。据英国《文学评论》杂志1997年9月号报道,最近,他又出版了一部长篇小说新作——《耶稣福音》(The Gospel According to theSon,科诺夫版,Knopf,256页)。在西方文学中,以长篇小说形式记述或反映基督教第一号圣人、神人合一的耶稣的生活古已有之,于今不断。在英语文学中至少可以追溯到爱尔兰作家乔治·莫尔的象征主义的耶稣传《凯里斯奥》。前几年一本《基督的最后诱惑》(1955)重新出版更是成了仅次于《撒旦诗篇》的大事件,希腊人卡赞扎斯基的大名也曾在中国读者中响
Time is not forgiven, in an instant, Norman Mailer, the famous American Jewish writer who once served as the representative of the post-war U.S. “Beat Generation” and the author of “Naked and Dead” (1948) Is 74 years old. Although he is already full of brows, it is clear that his creativity has not dried up. According to a September 1997 issue of the British “Literary Review,” he recently published a new novel, The Gospel According to the Son, Knopf, 256 pages. In Western literature, the life of Jesus, who describes or reflects the unity of God the First Christian in the form of novels, has existed since ancient times. In English literature at least traces to the Irish writer George Moore’s symbolism of Jesus Biography “Kelisiao.” A few years ago a “Last Temptation of Christ” (1955) republished became second only to the “Satan Psalms” event, the Greek Kazanzharsky’s name has also been Chinese readers ring