当我读完了王朝闻同志新近出版的四十五万言长篇巨著《雕塑雕塑》之后,总的印象是,它既是著者智慧的结晶,也是多年来审美经验的积累。著作本身气象万千,博大精深。作为集美的创造者、发掘者,欣赏者和阐述者于一身的王朝闻同志的理论体系,的确值得进行多方面的学习与探索。 我,作为一名后学,接触王朝闻同志的著作,是从1950年开始的,他的那种潜心探索,锐意进取的治学精神,对我的启迪和影响很大。并
After I read the newly published 450,000-page long piece of sculpture Sculpture by Comrade Wang Wen, the general impression is that it is not only the crystallization of the wisdom of the author but also the accumulation of aesthetic experience over the years. The book itself is full of meteorology, broad and profound. As a theoretical system of Comrade Wen Wen in the dynasty, who is the creator, collector, admirer and exponent of Jimei, it is indeed worth studying and exploring various aspects. As a post-school, I contacted Comrade Wang Zhaowen’s writings since 1950, and his enterprising and determined spirit of enterprising has greatly inspired me. and