有的人虽然瘦仍活力四射,有的人却瘦得病病怏怏,这和体内的脂肪含量(体脂百分比)有很大关系。正常情况下,女性的体脂百分比需要达到17.0%-23.9%才能保证健康,男性则需要达到10.1-16.9%,百分比过高或过低,身体的健康状况都会亮起红灯。可以采用以下三种方法测出你的体脂百分比,再对照体脂百分表判断你是否瘦得健康。方法一:皮褶测试法特点:最常用的方法,可自行操作。方法:用拇指和食指夹住背部肩胛骨最低处皮褶,用尺子测得两指间厚度 A;再夹住上臀后侧肱三头肌处皮褶,测得厚度 B;A、B 相加得 C 值。将 C 值代入下面的公式测出体脂百分比。
Although some people are still energetic and thin, others are skinny and sickly, which has a great relationship with the body fat content (body fat percentage). Under normal circumstances, women need 17.0% -23.9% body fat percentage to ensure health, men need to reach 10.1-16.9%, the percentage is too high or too low, the body’s health will turn on the red light. You can use the following three methods to measure your body fat percentage, and then control body fat dial indicator to determine whether you are lean health. Method One: Skinfold test method Features: The most commonly used method can be self-operation. Methods: The thumb and index finger grip the lowest scapular back skin fold, measured with a ruler thickness between the two fingers A; and then clamped upper rump triceps skin fold, measured thickness B; A, B plus C value. The C value into the following formula to measure body fat percentage.