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“三个代表”重要思想,不仅是新时期进一步加强党的建设、不断推进中国特色社会主义事业的指导思想,也是新时期加强团的建设、做好团的各项工作的根本指针。我们要以“三个代表”重要思想为指导,按照“三个代表”的要求去思考、衡量、把握共青团工作。共青团是党的助手和后备军,是先进青年的群众组织,是党联系青年的桥梁和纽带。党的纲领就是团的纲领,党的旗帜就是团的旗帜,党的前进方向就是团的前进方向。认真学习、贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,是对新时期团的建设提出的必然要求,也是团组织保持自身先进性的内在需要。青年最有朝气、最具创造力,是推动生产力发展的一支重要力量。共青团作为先进青年的群众组织,要动员组织青年在推动先进社会生产力发展中发挥 "The important thinking of the ’Three Represents ’ is not only the guiding principle for further strengthening the party’s construction and for continuously promoting the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, but also the fundamental guideline for strengthening the building of the CYL and doing a good job in the CYL’s various tasks in the new era. Guided by the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ we must consider, weigh and grasp the work of the Communist Youth League in accordance with the requirements of the ’Three Represents.’ The Communist Youth League is the party’s assistant and reserve army, a mass organization of advanced youth and a bridge and link between the young people and the youth. The program of the party is the program of the regiment, the banner of the party is the banner of the regiment, and the direction of the party’s progress is the way forward for the regiment. To conscientiously study and carry out the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ is an inevitable requirement for the building of the CYL in the new period and is also the inherent need of the CYL organization to maintain its own advanced nature. The most energetic and creative young people are an important force in promoting the development of the productive forces. As a mass organization of advanced youth, the Communist Youth League should mobilize and organize young people to play a role in promoting the development of advanced social productive forces
当男人在厕所小便时,发现自己虽然已经尿完了,却依然有残尿的感觉;这时几乎可以断定你的勃起能力已经开始有衰退现象。为了防止这一点,就必须对“球海绵体肌”加以锻炼。锻炼“球海绵体肌”,就相当于锻炼勃起能力。不过,要怎么锻炼呢?“球海绵体肌”和大腿内侧的“内转肌”之间有神经连结,因此要想锻炼“球海绵体肌”,就从锻炼“内转肌”来着手;藉着腿部的开闭,可以达到强化该处肌肉的目的。   以下介绍两个具体的锻炼
摘要:招投标的本质在于引入竞争,竞争必然使得价格相对合理,这是市场经济的普遍规律。最低价中标评标法作为一种最先在市场经济发达国家建设工程领域常用的招标方法,以其相对优越性,已成为一种国际惯例,并逐步应用到石油工程服务和物资设备采购领域。  目前,在国际石油公司的工程服务和物资设备采办活动中,常用的采办方法有:公开招标、邀请招标、比选、询价、竞争性谈判和单一来源采购。随着国家“走出去”能源战略的实施