随着人们网上消费心理的日渐成熟和电子商务技术的不断完善,我国企业的网上销售迅速增长。尽管很多企业网上销售额在不断的增长,但真正赢利的却不多,分析其原因在于物流成本高、效率低。杭州祜康电子商务却迎难而上,抓住非典给电子商务带来的机遇,改革配送模式成为成功的旗帜。自今年四月份以来,杭州祐康电子商务网络有限公司经受了 SARS 和持续高温的考验,SARS 让人们选择到网上订购食品,而自7月份以来杭城持续的高温,又再一次让人们选择了祜康 96188,从网上获得盛夏的“清凉”。4月份以来,杭州祐
With the increasing maturity of online consumer psychology and the continuous improvement of e-commerce technology, online sales of Chinese enterprises have been rapidly growing. Although many companies online sales continue to grow, but the real profit is not much, the analysis of the reason is that logistics costs are high, inefficient. Hangzhou Jikang e-commerce has been on the rise, to seize the opportunities e-commerce SARS brings, reform and distribution mode to become the banner of success. Since April this year, Hangzhou Youkang e-commerce network has stood the test of SARS and sustained high temperatures, SARS let people choose to order food online, and Hangzhou since July, the continued high temperatures, once again let people choose Ji Kang 96188, obtained from the Internet summer “cool ”. Since April, Hangzhou Yu