《美国新闻和世界报道》1980年4月7日报道:在美国癌瘤学会的一次年度讨论会上,医学专家们报告下列新的探讨。定制的药物治疗用病人自己的肿瘤细胞作细胞培养试验,能确定治疗该病人可能最有效的特殊药品。此试验由亚利桑那大学癌瘤中心的萨蒙(Sydney E.Salmon)所研制,已对200多名病人应用。在独立的两项研究中,此试验能准确地预测出60%的特殊有效药品,能使包括黑色素瘤,多发性骨髓瘤和卵巢癌,乳癌,肺、
The U.S. News & World Report reported on April 7, 1980: At an annual conference of the American Society of Carcinoma, medical experts reported the following new discussion. Customized drug treatment uses the patient’s own tumor cells for cell culture tests to determine the specific drugs that may be most effective in treating the patient. The trial, developed by the University of Arizona Cancer Center, Sydney E.Salmon, has been applied to more than 200 patients. In two separate studies, the trial accurately predicted 60% of the specific effective drugs, including melanoma, multiple myeloma and ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and lungs.