说到“一”,只是一个简单的数字,但在战争中,往往就是“一”,直接关系着战争的成与败。 一字文书稳定军心 1944年12月,美军第101空降师为了抢夺阿登陆附近的交通要点巴斯托达,与德国法西斯军队展开了竞赛性行军。结果美军先到达,德军随后则以优势兵力包围这座城市,并派人送信,要求巴斯托达守军投降。指挥101空降师的麦克奥利将军对德军的狂妄十分气愤,当即写了回信,内容只有一个字——“呸”,以此来表达他的作战决心。这极大地鼓
When it comes to “a”, it is only a simple number. However, in a war, it is always “one” and it is directly related to the success and failure of the war. In December 1944, the 101st Airborne Division of the U.S. Army started a competitive march with German fascists in order to snatch Bastodor, an important transport point near Ardennes. As a result, the U.S. troops arrived first, and the Germans subsequently surrounded the city with superior troops and dispatched letters to ask the Bastodor defenders to surrender. General Mike O'Connor, commanding the 101st Airborne Division, was very angry with the Germans' arrogance and immediately wrote a reply saying “呸,” in order to express his determination to fight. This is a great drum