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目的 通过影像归档和通信系统(PACS)测量成人寰椎后弓-横突髓腔钉道的解剖学参数,并结合临床病例探讨其临床意义. 方法 选择2016年1月—2017年6月本院PACS中18 ~ 70岁患者的颈椎三维CT数据,共200例,男女各100例,年龄(54.95±11.93)岁.选取寰椎后弓-横突髓腔最长轴切面为测量截面,利用PACS测量软件手工测量该截面入钉点与后结节距离、入钉角度与矢状面夹角、入钉角度与横截面夹角、钉道长度、椎动脉沟狭窄处髓腔高度和入钉点髓腔最大高度等解剖学参数,所得数据纳入统计学分析.结合临床病例探讨其可行性. 结果 入钉点与后结节距离为(7.45±1.75)mm,入钉角度与矢状面夹角为54.26°±6.06°,入钉角度与横截面夹角为9.15°±3.40°、钉道长度为(18.55±3.75)mm,椎动脉沟狭窄处髓腔高度为(2.09±0.81)mm,入钉点髓腔最大高度为(4.93±0.37)mm.男性寰椎后弓-横突髓腔钉道在入钉点与后结节距离、钉道长度、椎动脉沟狭窄处髓腔高度和入钉点髓腔最大高度均大于女性,差异有统计学意义(P 0.05).经有限病例初步证实该置钉方式具有可行性. 结论 寰椎后弓-横突髓腔的解剖学特点能够满足置钉要求,在常规寰椎椎弓根螺钉进钉点狭小无法置钉或钉道破裂置钉失败时,可以当做替代置钉钉道方案.“,”Objective To measure the anatomical parameters of intramedullary trajectory of posterior arch-transverse process of the atlas in adults through picture archiving and communication system(PACS),and discuss its clinical significance by combining with clinical cases. Methods The data were transmitted onto the PACS,including 200 adults who received three-dimensional CT scan of the cervical spine. There were 100 cases each in male and female groups,and the average age was (54.95±11.93)years. The longest axis of the medullary cavity of posterior arch-transverse process of the atlas was chosen as the measurement section. The relative parameters including distance between the entry point and posterior tubercle, angle between the trajectory and sagittal section,angle between the trajectory and transverse section,length of the trajectory, height of minimal medullary cavity of the vertebral artery groove and height of maximal medullary cavity of the entry point were measured manually. Statistical analysis was then performed to obtain the general mean and standard deviation,and to compare between the male and female subjects. The feasibility of the method was explored through clinical cases. Results The distance between the entry point and posterior tubercle was (7.45±1.75)mm,angle between the trajectory and sagittal section 54.26°±6.06°,angle between the trajectory and transverse section 9.15°±3.40°,length of the trajectory (18.55±3.75)mm, height of minimal medullary cavity of the vertebral artery groove (2.09±0.81)mm and height of maximal medullary cavity of the entry point (4.93±0.37)mm. The distance between the entry point and posterior tubercle,length of the trajectory,height of minimal medullary cavity of the vertebral artery groove and height of maximal medullary cavity of the entry point of the males were significantly higher than those of the females,and the differences were statistically significant(P < 0.05). There was no difference between the males and females in angle between the trajectory and sagittal section or angle between the trajectory and transverse section. The feasibility of the method was preliminarily confirmed by limited cases. Conclusion The anatomical parameters of the intramedullary trajectory of posterior arch-transverse process of the atlas can meet the requirement of screw implantation,which provides an alternative solution of the trajectory when the pedicle screw insertion failed.
【摘要】集中支付制度改革十余年来,推进阻力逐渐增大。本文从人民银行国库部门直接办理集中支付业务角度出发,以理论和实务两方面着手进行探讨,进一步探索和廓清国库直接办理集中支付优势地位,推动更深层次财政国库管理改革。同时,针对目前国情下仍存在的一些问题进行分析,并提出政策建议。  【关键词】集中支付 直接办理 理论优势 国库单一账户 现金管理  自2001年集中支付制度改革起步以来,十余年间我国充分发
【摘要】通过发挥农民合作经济组织在农业生产中的作用,让农民切实感受自身的价值,使农民在合作组织中得到实惠,增强农民参与市场竞争的能力,财政部门应将积极筹措资金支持农民专业合作组织发展做为自己的责任,建立资金投入机制,为农民专业合作组织的发展提供强有力的资金保障。  【关键词】农民专业合作组织 问题 建议  发展农民合作经济组织,增强农民参与市场竞争的能力,大力兴办多元化的农村专业合作组织是实现农民