Objective: To investigate the clinical features of nasal type of extranodal NK / T cell lymphoma, the causes of misdiagnosis and mistreatment and the factors that affect the prognosis. Methods: The clinical data of 34 patients with extranodal NK / T cell lymphoma were retrospectively analyzed. Among them, 10 cases were classified as ⅠE, 15 cases were ⅠE superfine, 6 cases were ⅡE and 3 cases were ⅣE. There were 29 cases in nasal cavity and 5 cases outside nasal cavity. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy in 14 cases, combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy in 20 cases. Results: The misdiagnosis rate was 58.8% (20/34) and the false-positive rate was 52.3% (18/34). The 5-year survival rate was 60.0% (6/10) in ⅠE group, 26.7% (4/15) ⅡE 16.7% (1/6) and ⅣE0% (0/3) in ⅠE supercavitary group The differences were statistically significant (all P <0.01). Which Ⅰ E superficial single treatment in 6 cases. The 5-year survival rate was 0%, and in the I-E limited group, 2 patients were treated. The 5-year survival rate was 50% (1/2). Conclusion: The clinical features of nasal type of extranodal NK / T cell lymphoma are not typical, and are easily misdiagnosed and mistakenly diagnosed. The diagnosis depends on pathology and immunohistochemistry. Clinical stage is the main reason to affect the prognosis, early diagnosis and treatment is the key.