分析现状增压力 选准项目加快改 春风集团技术改造带来了六个变化

来源 :乡镇企业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szlucky
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中国春风集团,是经国家工商局和国家经贸委批准的全国综合性乡镇企业集团。近年来,通过抓技改,提高了经济运行质量,加快了经济增长方式的转变。截止到今年四月份,投入产出比上升到1:5,总资产贡献率达到了15.7%,市场占有率实现10%,科技进步贡献率达45%以上,全员劳动生产率超过3.6万元,资金利税率11%以上。在日趋激烈的市场竞争中得到了巩固发展。在全省一千家乡镇企业综合实力排队中名列河北第一位,跻身全国大型一档企业行列。在全国最大经营规模乡镇企业1000家中名列第30位,在全国最高利税总额乡镇企业100家中名列第50位,并被省委、省政府确定为重点支持的大型企业集团。今年,春风集团生产和经营形势好于历史任何一年,一至六月份完成产值8.1亿元,比上年同期增长36.1%,实现利润6286万元,比上年同期增长59%,税金586.6万元,比上年同期增长14.3%。实践表明,技术改造是推进集团经济快速协调发展,实现经济增长方式转交的动力。分析现状,增强技术改造的紧迫感 China Spring Breeze Group is a comprehensive township enterprise group approved by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce and the State Economic and Trade Commission. In recent years, through the improvement of technological transformation, the quality of economic operations has been improved and the transformation of economic growth mode has been accelerated. As of April this year, the input-output ratio rose to 1:5, the total asset contribution rate reached 15.7%, the market share reached 10%, the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress reached 45%, and the total labor productivity exceeded RMB 36,000. The profit and tax rate of funds is more than 11%. In the increasingly fierce market competition has been consolidated development. Ranked first in Hebei Province in the ranks of the province’s thousand township enterprises in overall strength, it ranks among the largest enterprises in the country. It ranks the 30th among the 1000 largest township enterprises in the country and ranks 50th among the 100 highest township enterprises with the highest total profits and taxes, and has been identified as a large-scale enterprise group supported by the provincial party committee and the provincial government. This year, Chunfeng Group’s production and operation situation was better than any other year. From January to June, the output value was RMB 810 million, an increase of 36.1% over the same period of the previous year, and the profit was RMB 62.86 million, an increase of 59% over the same period of last year. The tax was RMB 5.866 million. , an increase of 14.3% over the same period of the previous year. Practice shows that technological transformation is the driving force for the rapid and coordinated development of the Group’s economy and the transfer of economic growth. Analyze the status quo and enhance the urgency of technological transformation
【摘要】本研究以联合国教科文组织发布的《教育2030行动框架》以及韩国、印度、澳大利亚、新加坡四国的学前教育规划政策性文件为依据,探讨当前国际学前教育发展关注的重点问题及其对中国学前教育发展规划的启示。  【关键词】国际学前教育;发展规划;述评及启示  【中图分类号】G619 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1004-4604(2016)09-0050-04  学前教育是国家教育事业发展的重要组成部
前言对地震反应的研究日益广泛,促使了发展一种可靠的、能原位测定剪切模量的技术。本文叙述了两种剪切波测定技术,能原位测定供地震分析用的剪切模量,公式为:G=ρV_s~2 (1)
6.打包设备废钢铁打包机可分为以下几种:(1)按动力和传动方式分{重力打包机丝杠打包机液压打包机(2)按挤压方向分{单向打包机双向打包机三向打包机 6. Packaging Equipment