要保证汽车钢板弹簧总成耳孔形状及位置精度,捲耳工序的制造质量是关键,工序检测是重要环节。 耳孔形状精度的检测可分为定性与定量两种形式。 双芯棒检测采用三点浮动定位,受耳孔形状的影响很大,不能保证检测棒的理想定位,同时与标准要求的检测基准原则不符。检测中度量误差大,无论是定性还是定量检测都不能满足精度要求。 图1为一种模拟装车的定性检测具,此检测具由定销
To ensure that the automotive leaf spring assembly ear hole shape and position accuracy, roll ear manufacturing process quality is the key, process testing is an important part. Ear shape detection accuracy can be divided into qualitative and quantitative two forms. Double-core rod detection using three-point floating positioning, affected by the shape of the ear hole is very large, can not guarantee the ideal orientation of the detection rod, and does not match the standard requirements of the test principle. Detection of large measurement error, whether qualitative or quantitative detection can not meet the accuracy requirements. Figure 1 is a qualitative simulation of loading inspection equipment, this inspection by the pin