Spatial Variability of Salt Ions in Soils in Oasis of Delta of Weigan River-Kuqa River in Different

来源 :农业科学与技术:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mao_320
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Abstract [Objective] The aim was to research the spatial variability of salts' ions in soils of oases of Weigan River-Kuqa River to explore spatial correlation among soil ions and effects of seasonal changes on distribution of eight ions in soils. [Method] Based on soil salinizaiton, temporal and spatial distributions of eight ions in surface soils were researched and distribution maps were drawn with the help of classical statistics and geostatistics. [Result] All contents of salt ions were proved in consistent with normal distribution by K-S test, and variability of the ions changed with season, for example, variability of ions in soils in October was higher than that in April, which might be caused by little rainfall and high evaporation in October. It can be concluded from semivariance analysis that salt ions were all of high spatial autocorrelation. In addition, it can be concluded from spatial distribution that spatial structures of most ions are reasonable, except Ca2+ and Mg2' in soils collected in April of 2010 and Mg2+ in October of 2010, which were more suitable for linear model, and chloride-sulfate dominated in salinized soils in the researching area. [Conclusion] The research laid foundation for partition, improvement and use of salin- ized soils in delta of Weigan River-Kuqa River.
[Objective] seedlings of umbrella The paper was to study the distribution of main nutrients in bamboo (Fargesia murielae) in Shennongjia National Nature Reserve.
在贸易全球化和经济一体化的大背景下,宏观至一个国家和地区,微观至一个乡村和家庭,农业要实现又好又快发展,必须落实科学发展观,体现竞争性。 Under the backdrop of globa