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综述多孔有机聚合物作为非均相催化剂在可见光诱导的有机转化研究中的应用进展.多孔有机聚合物由共轭分子单体聚合形成,具有易于合成和表征、结构稳定、种类多样和易于修饰等特点.多孔有机聚合物具有刚性的共轭骨架和较大的比表面积,孔径可通过单体长度调整,在不同溶剂中都具有极低的溶解性,易于回收和循环使用,因此是发展非均相催化体系的理想材料.通过把光敏基团并入到其骨架中,多孔有机聚合物可作为非均相催化剂,在可见光诱导下实现不同类型的有机化学转化.通过后修饰还可以把光敏剂引入到骨架连接臂上,进一步扩展其在可见光诱导下的非均相催化有机转化.多孔有机聚合物催化剂可以通过过滤和离心等手段快速回收以实现循环使用.可见光诱导和非均相催化结合在一起,使得这类催化材料具有绿色和可持续化学特征.“,”The recent applications of porous organic polymers(POPs)as heterogeneous catalysts for visible light-induced organic transformations are summarized.POPs are constructed from conjugated organic monomers,having the features of convenient synthesis and characterization,high stability for quick recovery and reuse,structural diversity as well as high modifiability.POPs possess rigid conjugated frameworks,relatively large surface areas,tunable porosity and typically insoluble in water or organic solvents,and thus ideal platforms for the development of heterogeneous catalysts.Through incorporating conjugated sensitizer units into the backbones or attaching the sensitizers to the backbone linkers,POPs can be developed as efficient heterogeneous photocatalysts for visible light-induced organic transformations.Due to their high stability and insolubility,POP catalysts can be easily recovered through filtration or centrifugation and recycled.POP-based photocatalysis combines visible light utility and catalyst recycling and thus represents a green and sustainable technique.