四、种子类中药车前子 Semen Plantaginis车前(Plantago major L.var.asiaticu D.C)生于道旁牛马车迹中,故名。子及叶均供药用。车前首见于诗经“采采苤苜”(音浮以,即车前),本草经列为上品,本草纲目收入草部湿草类。本植物分布于亚洲,尤以温带居多,我国到处皆有,为山野自生多年生草。车前子色黄褐,作椭圆形,背隆起,底扁平,似胡麻子而略小,外面有光泽,内面白色,味微苦,带粘液性。药用选择黑色质重少杂质者为佳。以清水淘洗晒干或过节除去杂质,或用盐水炒用.
4. Semen Plantaginis (Plantago major L. var. asiaticu D.C.) was born on the side of the road in the cow tracks, hence the name. The leaves and leaves are for medicinal purposes. The first thing in front of the car was found in the Book of Songs, “Chai Cai’e” (Floating in front of the car). The herbal formula was classified as top grade, and the Compendium of Materia Medica included grass and wet grass. The plants are distributed in Asia, especially in temperate regions. There are everywhere in our country, and they are self-producing perennial grasses in the mountains. The plantain is yellowish-brown in color and has an oval shape with a dorsal bulge and a flat bottom, which resembles a flaxseed and is slightly smaller. The outside is lustrous, with a white inner surface, a slightly bitter taste, and mucus. Medicinal selection of black matter less heavy impurities is better. 3. Rinse with clear water to dry or remove impurities, or fry with salt water.