贵刊1989年第6期刊登关路德同志的《加强物理学和其他学科间的横向联系》一文,读后使人得益非浅。但对于文中所举“物理与化学的联系”中“例二”一题的解法,提一点补充意见。“例二”及解原文如下: “两个钢制容器A和B,容积分别为2升和1升,用细管连通,在钢管中装有一密合的阀门K,A中充有12.3大气压、温度为27℃的氢气,而在B中充入压强为2.46大气压、温度为27℃的氧气,打开阀门,气体混合,然后用电火花点火,使氢气燃烧,反应后容器中温度达87℃,试求容器中气体的压
You published the article “Strengthening the Horizontal Connections between Physics and Other Disciplines” by Comrade Guan Lude in the 6th issue of 1989. After reading it, people benefited greatly. However, for the solution to the problem of “Example 2” in the “Physical and Chemical Connections” mentioned in the article, I would like to add a little supplementary opinion. “Example 2” and the original text are as follows: "Two steel vessels A and B, with a capacity of 2 litres and 1 litre, respectively, are connected by a thin tube and a closed valve K is fitted in the steel tube, and A is filled with 12.3 atmospheres. The temperature is 27 °C hydrogen, while in the B is filled with 2.46 atmospheric pressure pressure, temperature of 27 °C oxygen, open the valve, gas mixing, and then use spark ignition, so that hydrogen combustion, after the reaction temperature reached 87 °C , try to pressure the gas in the container