Objective To investigate the irregular small shadow X-ray findings of asbestosis. Methods 256 cases of asbestos lung high kV radiographic chest X-ray images were analyzed, the various stages of asbestos lung X-ray small shadow morphology to S most common, accounting for 44.13% of the group, the overall intensity of I-phase patients were large Most of them were grade 1, accounting for 85.16%. The distribution range of lesions included 63.28% asbestosis, 38.67% pleuropneumonia, 3 phlegm heart disease, Length of service is proportional to the absolute relationship with the work that is determined by the dust concentration in the workplace, working conditions and personal protection, the group mentioned in the case of three frequently-occurring diseases and the above three factors. Results Ascites lung X-ray showed irregular small shadow, pleural plaques. Conclusion The X-ray findings accurately reflect the development, changes and staging of asbestosis, the value of pleural plaques in the diagnosis of asbestosis, combined with clinical and laboratory tests may be helpful for its diagnosis.