
来源 :中国实用医药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwenwu321
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目的探讨石棉肺不规则小阴影X线表现。方法通过对256例石棉肺高千伏X线胸片出现影像进行整理分析,各期石棉肺X线小阴影形态,以S影最多见,占本组44.13%,总体密集度I期患者绝大多数为1级,占85.16%,病变分布范围I期石棉肺病变超过两个肺区占63.28%,胸膜斑出现率占38.67%,“蓬发心”出现3例,各工种发病情况与工龄成正比,与工种有绝对关系即决定于作业场所粉尘浓度、劳动条件及个人防护情况,本组病例中所提到3个多发病工种与上述3个因素有关。结果石棉肺主要X线表现为不规则小阴影,胸膜斑。结论X线表现能准确地反映石棉肺的发展进程,变化规律及分期,胸膜斑在石棉肺诊断中的价值,结合临床和实验室检查对其诊断有一定帮助。 Objective To investigate the irregular small shadow X-ray findings of asbestosis. Methods 256 cases of asbestos lung high kV radiographic chest X-ray images were analyzed, the various stages of asbestos lung X-ray small shadow morphology to S most common, accounting for 44.13% of the group, the overall intensity of I-phase patients were large Most of them were grade 1, accounting for 85.16%. The distribution range of lesions included 63.28% asbestosis, 38.67% pleuropneumonia, 3 phlegm heart disease, Length of service is proportional to the absolute relationship with the work that is determined by the dust concentration in the workplace, working conditions and personal protection, the group mentioned in the case of three frequently-occurring diseases and the above three factors. Results Ascites lung X-ray showed irregular small shadow, pleural plaques. Conclusion The X-ray findings accurately reflect the development, changes and staging of asbestosis, the value of pleural plaques in the diagnosis of asbestosis, combined with clinical and laboratory tests may be helpful for its diagnosis.
估客乐 (节录 )唐·元稹子本频蕃息 ,货贩 (一作赂 )日兼并。求珠驾沧海 ,采玉上荆衡。北买党项马 ,西擒土蕃鹦。炎州布火浣 ,蜀地锦织成。越婢脂肉滑 ,奚童眉眼明。通算衣食
N-myc下游调节基因( N-myc downstream regulated gene , NDRG)1属于NDRG家族,α/β水解酶超家族,但没有水解酶催化位点[1]。最初是在N-myc敲除的小鼠胚胎组织中发现的,受 N-myc 的抑制而得名。 NDRG1位于人类染色体8q24,全长约60 kb,包括16个外显子和15个内含子,含有一个与第1外显子和第1内含子5′端重叠的CpG岛,C末端包含有
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