采用对兴国红鲤父本提前催熟,再采用模拟生态环境方法孵化鱼苗,从而提高异育银鲫出苗率,并取得了省事降本的效果。具体技术如下:一、亲鱼1.亲鱼的选择。母本为黑龙江方正鲫,侧线鳞 30~ 31,体重 250克以上;父本为江西兴国红鲤,侧线鳞 35~ 36,体重 500克左右,雌∶雄
The method was used to premature ripening of Xingguo red carp and hatching the fry with the method of simulated ecological environment so as to improve the emergence rate of allogynogenetic crucian carp and achieve the effect of saving costs and reducing costs. Specific techniques are as follows: First, broodstock 1. The choice of broodstock. The female parent is Heilongjiang Founder crucian carp, lateral scale 30 ~ 31, weighing 250 grams or more; the male parent Jiangxi Xingguo carp, lateral scales 35 to 36, weighing about 500 grams, female: male