军中“蜘蛛侠” ——陈小捷

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他飞檐走壁如履平川,他攀山越岭如行大路。陈小捷,解放军体育学院的一名普通军官、我国第一位攀岩世界冠军,他用超常的毅力和拼搏精神,在与大自然的对抗中一次次挑战极限,超越自我,演绎了一个又一个传奇故事,被登山界人士亲切地称为军中“蜘蛛侠”。攀岩是一项对运动员身体素质和心理素质都极具挑战的运动,也是部队特种作战必备的基本能力。它让人们在与悬崖峭壁的抗衡中经受考验、学会坚强。曾经练过半年短跑和一年体操的陈小捷,在一次偶然机会了解攀岩运动后,痴迷上了这项充满惊险、刺激的运动。 He flies away from the wall like a plain, and he climbs the mountains like a thoroughfare. Chen Xiaojie, an ordinary officer of the People’s Liberation Army Sports Institute, the first Chinese rock climbing champion in the world, has used extraordinary perseverance and fighting spirit to challenge the limits of nature once and for all to transcend oneself and deduce legend after story , Was the climbers affectionately known as the military “Spider-Man.” Climbing is a sport that poses great challenge to athletes’ physical and psychological qualities. It is also the basic ability necessary for special combat operations of troops. It allows people to withstand the test of the cliff and the cliff, learn to be strong. Chen Xiaojie, who had practiced half a year of sprint and gymnastics a year, was obsessed with this thrilling and exciting sport after a chance encounter with rock climbing.
该植株高大挺直 ,株高 1 3 0cm以上 ,全株 5片叶 ,叶色鲜绿 ,抗风 ,葱白长而洁白 ,白粗 4cm左右 ,白高 70cm以上 ,辣味生熟食俱佳 ,返青早 ,生长快 ,单株重最高可达 750克以上。亩
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