金融大潮滋润着市场经济的中华大地,几千万普普通通的寻常百姓,用自己的积蓄,破天荒地当上了大公司的股东:国库券、公司债券、可转换债券、大额定期存单、投资基金、外汇券、债券回购、资金拆借、保险、商品期货、商品房按揭……目不暇接的金融商品汹涌澎湃地涌现,令人们穿梭其间,游刃有余:基础赁币、M1M2、金融政策、中央银行、巴林银行、东南亚金融危机、索罗斯……这些严肃话题,也悄悄地飞入了街头巷尾……真的,金融就是润滑剂,当它源源不断地注入“油孔”时,经济这架大机器便轰轰隆隆、灵活自如地运转起来。 金融大潮孕育和造就千千万万个
Financial tide nourish the market economy of China, tens of millions of ordinary people, with their savings, the first ever to become shareholders of large companies: treasury bills, corporate bonds, convertible bonds, large certificates of deposit, investment Funds, foreign exchange certificates, bond repurchases, money lending, insurance, commodity futures, real estate mortgages ... dizzying financial goods are emerging surging, allowing people to shut down during the journey: Basic Spending, M1M2, Financial Policy, Central Bank, Bahrain Banks, the Southeast Asian financial crisis, Soros ... ... these serious topics, but also quietly flew into the streets ... ... ... ... really, financial is the lubricant, when it is continuously injected into the “hole”, the economy this big machine will boom Rumble, flexible and functional operation. Financial tide bred and created tens of millions