目的:探讨家长对儿童口腔不良习惯的认识情况及其影响因素。方法:采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样方法,在泸州市江阳区随机抽取3个街道,每个街道随机抽取3个社区,每个被抽中社区中所有14岁以下儿童的主要监护人均为调查对象,共有1 386名儿童家长被调查。所有数据采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析。结果:调查对象中,“刷牙次数”、“刷牙持续时间”和“刷牙方法”有关刷牙知识方面的知晓率较高,分别为57.1%、57.5%和50.1%;“是否知道六龄齿”、“每半年进行1次口腔检查”及“选择专业儿童牙医”方面的知识知晓率较低,分别为14.8%、15.9%和12.6%。多因素分析结果显示,性别、年龄、文化程度、年收入水平、文化程度以及对儿童健康状况的关心程度是影响儿童口腔不良习惯认知评分的因素。结论:调查地区家长对儿童口腔不良习惯总体认知情况较差,应根据影响家长认知水平的主要因素有针对性地开展健康教育,提高家长认知水平并促使儿童养成健康的口腔习惯。
Objective: To investigate the parents’ understanding of children’s bad oral habits and its influencing factors. Methods: A multistage stratified stratified random cluster sampling method was used to randomly select 3 streets in Jiangyang District of Luzhou City and 3 communities in each street randomly. The main guardians of all the children under 14 in each community being drawn were A total of 1 386 children’s parents were surveyed. All data using SPSS 13.0 software for statistical analysis. Results: The rate of “brushing times”, “brushing duration” and “brushing method” in the survey subjects were 57.1%, 57.5% and 50.1% respectively. Did you know that there is a low awareness rate of 14.8%, 15.9% and 12.6% for six-year-olds, 1 for oral exams every 6 months, and for the selection of professional child dentists? Multivariate analysis showed that gender, age, education level, annual income level, education level and the degree of concern about children’s health status were the factors influencing children’s cognitive score of oral malnutrition. Conclusion: The overall cognition of poor oral habits of children in the survey area is poor. Health education should be targeted according to the main factors affecting the cognition of children, so as to improve the cognition of parents and promote the healthy oral habits of children.