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在万事商业“挂帅”的今天,生活于其中的我们如何能够保持清醒?如何自觉自己的追求和喜好?在主旨是为商业服务的广告业,这个问题或许来得更为明显,更值得我们思索与应对。与苏国锋一起,和这位态度理念清晰的、成功的广告公司经营者一起,很能感受他与他身边的伙伴如何以身作则,把企业经营理念融合到广告创意、广告公司运营里和公司管理当中。这种坚持和执着来自自己心底最坦诚的表白:我“害怕”失败。面对前路不可预料的坎坷,害怕失败不是弱者的想法,相反是强者的缜密与感悟。说到底,经营如此,管理如此,有公司现状如此,是因为他的“害怕”所以他的坚持。 How can we stay conscious when everything is in business? And how can we be aware of our own pursuits and preferences? Perhaps the problem is even more obvious in the advertising industry, whose main objective is to serve the business. It is even more worthy of our consideration. response. Working with Su Guofeng and this clear and successful advertising agency manager, he can feel how he and his partners set an example by integrating the business philosophy into advertising creativity, advertising agency operations and corporate governance. This insistence and dedication come from the most honest confession in my heart: I “fear” failure. Unforeseen ups and downs in the face of the ups and downs, fear of failure is not the idea of ​​weak, on the contrary is the strong careful and insights. In the final analysis, the management of such a case, the management of the company so the status quo, because of his “fear” so he insisted.