自1975年至1978年9月,我们对613例患者进行了阴道镜检查,大部分患者都有较长时间的慢性宫颈炎、白带多、有接触性出血史等,另有一部分是阴道流血,或阴道细胞学检查阴性,或由外地疑为肿瘤而转诊者,现进行分析如下: 在613例镜检的患者中,属生理粘膜和血管418例,占68.18%;不典型粘膜110例,占17.95%,不典型血管27例,占4.40%;不典型粘膜合并不典型血管58例,占9.46%。阴道镜异常所见与病理检查的关系;我们对139例镜检异常患者作了病理检查,结果见表。对25例原位癌作了阴道镜和刮片结果的对
From 1975 to September 1978, we conducted a colposcopy on 613 patients, most of whom had chronic cervicitis for a long time, more vaginal discharge, history of contact bleeding, and others were vaginal bleeding, Or vaginal cytology negative or suspected by the foreign tumor referral, are analyzed as follows: In 613 cases of microscopic examination of patients, is a physiological mucosa and blood vessels in 418 cases, accounting for 68.18%; atypical mucosa in 110 cases, Accounting for 17.95%, atypical vessels in 27 cases, accounting for 4.40%; atypical mucosa with atypical vessels in 58 cases, accounting for 9.46%. Colposcopy abnormalities seen with the pathological examination of the relationship; 139 cases of microscopic examination of patients with abnormal pathology, the results shown in the table. Pair of 25 cases of carcinoma in situ colposcopy and smear results